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Creative Imagination
A Presentation of Henry Adesiji (Oct. 2007)


Lots has been said and seen about creativity and imagination, but in a little way we shall take a look at one or two definitions or descriptions for these words which are crucial to the topic of our discuorse today.


According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "Creativity (or "creativeness") is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts".
While the same encyclopedia defines imagination as "Imagination is the ability to form mental images, or the ability to spontaneouslt generate images within one's own mind. It helps provide meaning to experience and understanding to knowledge; it is a fundamental facility through which people make sense of the world, and it also plays a key role in the learning process".
I do hope that from this point we can now go ahead into the mainstream of dsour today's discourse on Power of Creative Imagination.  .

What is Creative Imagination?

Creative imagination is the ability to form mental images of situations or conditions you have never actually experienced. Your creative imagination is an untapped source of power buried in your subconscious mind. It is similar to a powerful force trapped in a bottle, waiting to be released, ready to obey your every command. It is the hidden "YOU" that always remains in the valley of obscurity until it is called upon to showcase what it has in stock for the one carrying it. It always is a captive of the revealed "YOU" and it takes a deliberate act on your part to unleash its power but only few know how to set free this capture greatness and many others even neglect to bring out this hidden personality in themselves..



Developing Your of Creative Imagination

  1. Creative Imagination like many other skill can be developed and easily too. You can start developing your creative imagination by exercising your basic imagination, you can do this with simple steps such as as thinking in pictures, or listening to music, create and make citations in your mind. Start playing little "movies" in your mind, until you can watch them on command. This can come in very simple for some people, but for many it may take a lot of practice. The good thing about it is that it is a good thing and one very important if we must make success in life.
  2. After the first step stated above comes this all-important step which is getting more creative in your thinking and imagining. Deliberately paying attention to your creativity. It has been discovered that our subconscious minds give us more of what we pay attention to and less of the things we ignore. When you ignore creative aspects of your life what you are telling your subconscious mind is that they are unimportant and pay more attention to creativity, your subconscious mind will start feeding you more creative ideas.
  3. Another important step to developing our creative imagination is by changing your environment from time to time. This can also encourage your creativity. Do you write? Sit on a roof to write. Are you looking for creative new ideas for your business? Bring a notebook to the park and sit by the duck pond. A change of environment can get your thinking out of it's ruts just the same way you have a new outlook of the same house when you change your angle of view.
  4. Start playing games that exercise your creative imagination. One such game uses a technique called "concept combination." Whether played alone or with other players, you combine random concepts or things in new ways, to see who has the best idea. A thermometer and a billboard, for example, could generate an idea for a sign that checks the weather and adjusts the message accordingly.
  5. Challenge popular assumptions. Curious people have one gift in common - the ability to get people thinking for answers, solutions and posibilities, possibly new ones. This ability is something you must imbibe in other to pull the trigger of your creative imagination.
  6. Watch your relationships. "Show me who your friends are and I will tell who you are" goes a saying, it is important to associate yourself with people who make the right use of their creative imagination because by so doing you place yourself at the right vantage point of getting the right challenges needed for you to unleash your creative imagination.
  7.  Whether you are writing music, acting a drama, building a model or working on a new construction site keep your mind for new opportunities - new angles - different strategies - if one thing doesn’t work try another.
  8. Work on your interests and natural talents - follow these talents - be curious, learn as much as you can about subjects you are interested in and then improvise, develop, expand them. Follow different off beat paths. If they don’t work try another track.






Finally on this topic, I like to bring this short article to a close by challenging you to stir up the waters of imagination within you and ignite the dynamite of creativity within you, because until you do so, you may not be able to attain the height of fulfillment you ever desire.

In whatever you, I wishing you the best in your endeavours.


See you at the top!


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